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Broken Thermostat?

The AC or furnace unit itself is a vital component of your home’s HVAC system, but without input from an accurate thermostat, the unit would not know how much power to use or when to turn off. Having an exact thermostat reading with programming and smart options can greatly improve the efficiency of your system. Additionally, zone control makes it possible to control different areas of the home separately for optimal comfort. Call on the experts at Gibber Services in Memphis to upgrade and fix your broken thermostat!

Benefits of Modern Thermostats

Traditionally, thermostats operate by communicating the current room temperature and desired room temperature to the AC or furnace system. The system then works to adjust the temperature accordingly by using more or less power. Because older thermostats work automatically, there is very little room for personal control. Modern thermostats have WiFi connectivity and monitoring systems to make adjustments based on more than temperature alone.

Smart programming allows a thermostat to track and analyze your habits to adjust temperatures depending on the time of day. It makes adjustments with efficiency and comfort in mind. These new thermostats also allow you to program the temperature seamlessly without having to choose between hot and cold settings. Some models even allow you to program your home temperature from your smart phone when you are away.

The Basics of Zone Control

Controlling the temperature of basements, attics, and rooms with large windows can be tricky when the thermostat is in a room far away. Gibber Services can create a continuous temperature throughout your home with zone control.

Zone control allows homeowners to control each room of the house individually using a thermostat and automatic damper in every zone. Avoid uncomfortable temperatures in certain areas of the home or wasting energy on heating unoccupied rooms. Zoning allows you to save up to 30% on your energy bill by maximizing the efficiency of each thermostat reading.

For Memphis homeowners, it is important to have control over the thermostat settings in every area of the home. Gibber Services can help you find a new thermostat and install it as soon as you need it.