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Memphis, TN Garbage Disposal Replacement & Repairs

You might think your garbage disposal is, well, disposable. But this is far from the truth. If you have a garbage disposal that isn’t working properly, it compromises the safety and functionality of your kitchen. Your garbage disposal is an integral part of a functioning kitchen. It performs many tough jobs, disposing of food and keeping the drain free of debris. 

When your garbage disposal isn’t working, you can suffer more than just inconvenience – it can lead to foul smells, harmful bacteria growth, and a sink you won’t want to go near. If your garbage disposal hums but won’t spin, or if it won’t turn on at all, call Gibber Services. Our team of professional plumbers can repair or replace your garbage disposal as needed today. 

Call Experienced Plumbing Professionals in Memphis

When you experience a problem with your garbage disposal, our Memphis team will come to your home, inspect the appliance, and give our professional advice whether to repair or replace. We never push sales or services on our customers, and only recommend what we honestly believe is best based on your specific case. It might be time to replace your garbage disposal if it exhibits any of these issues:

  • Frequent clogging. If you use your garbage disposal correctly, only disposing of food items approved by the manufacturer, and it still clogs frequently, it may be time for a replacement. You may also need a disposal with a greater capacity.
  • You must reset your disposal often. Pushing the reset button on your disposal occasionally is usual, but having to do it every time or multiple times before it will work is a sign of an issue.
  • Stubborn odors. If you’ve tried tricks and tips to freshen your disposal but foul odors still linger, the smell (usually from stuck pieces of food, germs, and bacteria) may be trapped in the unit. In some cases, the only way to eliminate the smell is to replace the unit.
  • Dull blades. If the blades are no longer sharp enough to properly dispose of food, a replacement unit is the only solution. Sharper blades mean faster, more efficient food waste disposal. 

Our team knows when to repair and when to replace. Trust us to inspect your garbage disposal system and make an accurate, dependable diagnosis of the problem. 

Our Promise to You

At Gibber Services, we believe in fast, on-time plumbing. Timely plumbing repair is our mode of operation. You can count on us when you need garbage disposal repair. Call Gibber Services at 901-422-1258 to schedule services.