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Toilet Replacement & Repairs

Toilets are critical fixtures in any home. Toilets keep a home comfortable, convenient, and sanitary – when they work properly. Issues with your toilet, on the other hand, can significantly impact the safety and comfort of your household. When you experience problems with your commodes, you can rely on Gibber Services in Memphis. Our team of trusted technicians can repair virtually any toilet problem, from low flushing power to a damaging leak. If you need to request 24/7 emergency repairs, call us at 901-422-1258 now.

Common Toilet Problems We Fix in Memphis

As an experienced local plumbing company, Gibber Services has seen it all. We have the knowledge, training, and hands-on experience to complete any type of toilet repair quickly and efficiently. Give us a call and we’ll come to your home to diagnose and repair the issue the same day. Here are a few common toilet troubles we solve:

  • Clogged toilet. This is an extremely common problem, but important to repair, nonetheless. Clogged toilets cannot be used – a frustrating and even dangerous problem. Plunging a toilet too often can damage or break the sewage pipes underneath, creating a plumbing emergency. Perpetual clogs point to a bigger problem farther down the drainpipe, such as a stubborn blockage.
  • Running toilet. A toilet that sounds like it’s running even when not in use is more than an irritating nuisance – it can waste gallons of water and raise your utility bills. Running toilets may be a sign of issues within your flush valve assembly or overflow pipe. Our team can fix running toilets in no time, helping you save money and stress.
  • Toilet replacement. Sometimes there is no solution better than replacing your toilet. This may be the case if your commode is more than 10 years old. Older toilets are much less water efficient than newer models, using an average of 3.5 gallons per flush. Newer toilets use between 0.9 and 1.6 gallons per flush – cutting your water use by more than half!

With up-to-date plumbing expertise and the right tools and equipment to get any job done correctly the first time, you will have peace of mind with our team at your service. You will be 100% satisfied with our service – or your money back. That’s our professional guarantee. Read our reviews and testimonials.

Schedule Your Toilet Repair or Replacement Today

Whether you’re searching for a plumbing contractor to get a repair job done on time and on budget, or you’re in the market for a new toilet, come to Gibber Services. We’ve earned our reputation in Memphis as superb plumbers from years of dedicated service to homeowners. For reliable toilet replacement, outstanding plumbing repairs, and tons of industry expertise, come to us. Call 901-422-1258 to schedule your services.