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Furnace Maintenance Service

If you’re one of many Tennesseans who wait until you need heat to discover a problem, make a change this year. Instead of letting your system fail right when you need it, choose preventative maintenance to ensure your furnace is ship-shape before the temperature drops. Preventative maintenance not only reduces the chances of a system malfunction, but it also increases efficiency and saves money on your energy bills. 

Gibber Services recommends you have your furnace checked by a professional twice per year for a full cleaning and tune-up. Regular maintenance will lengthen your furnace’s lifespan, ultimately saving money on a costly replacement or high-dollar repair. Trust us for your furnace maintenance and enjoy a comfortable, energy-efficient winter. 

With help from Gibber Services, enjoy an easy and fast installation, a discount on repair services during the term of your agreement, and priority scheduling. Rest easy knowing your family will stay comfortable this winter. Contact us at 901-422-1258 to set up your heating services appointment today.

Furnace and Heating Maintenance | Gibber Services East Memphis, TN

If you’re tired of waiting until you need heat to discover that your furnace is having problems, it’s time to make a change. Instead of letting your system fail when you need it most, choose preventative maintenance to ensure that your furnace is in the best possible condition before the colder weather arrives.

Preventative maintenance isn’t just about reducing the chances of a system malfunction. It can also increase the efficiency of your furnace and save you money on your energy bills. By identifying and fixing any potential issues before they become significant problems, you can help ensure that your furnace is running at its best.

Plus, who doesn’t love saving money? With preventative maintenance, you can avoid costly repairs and keep more money in your pocket.

So make sure to discover that your furnace needs to be fixed before you’re stuck in the cold. Choose preventative maintenance and stay warm and comfortable all winter long.

Why Do You Need Regular Furnace Maintenance and Inspection?

Maintaining and regularly inspecting your furnace is essential to keeping your home comfortable and energy efficient. Not only can regular maintenance and inspection help extend the lifespan of your furnace, but they can also help prevent costly breakdowns and improve the overall performance of your heating system. Here are just a few of the benefits of doing furnace maintenance and inspection:

  1. Increased energy efficiency: Over time, furnaces can become less efficient due to various factors, such as dirty filters, clogged air ducts, and faulty parts. Regularly maintaining and inspecting your furnace can help ensure that it’s operating at its best and using energy efficiently. This can save you money on your energy bills in the long run.
  1. Improved comfort: A well-maintained furnace is more likely to provide consistent heating throughout your home, helping to eliminate hot and cold spots. This can improve the overall comfort of your home and make it a more enjoyable place to be.
  1. Increased safety: Furnaces can be dangerous if not maintained and inspected correctly. By catching and fixing any potential issues early on, you can help reduce the risk of accidents and keep your family safe.
  1. Prolonged lifespan: Regular maintenance and inspection can help extend the lifespan of your furnace, saving you money on replacement costs in the long run.

The benefits of regular furnace maintenance and inspection far outweigh the costs, and it’s an investment that can pay off in the long run. So if you want to save money, improve the comfort of your home, and keep your family safe, don’t hesitate to schedule regular furnace maintenance and inspection with a trusted HVAC team like Gibber Services. We’re here to help keep your home running smoothly and efficiently all year round.

What Constitutes a Furnace Maintenance Appointment? 

A furnace maintenance appointment typically includes a thorough inspection and cleaning of your heating system. Here are some specific tasks that technicians may consist of in a furnace maintenance appointment:

  1. Inspecting the furnace and its components: This may include checking the furnace’s burners, ignition system, heat exchanger, flue pipes, and other parts to ensure they are in good working order.
  1. Cleaning the furnace and its components may include cleaning the burners, removing debris from the furnace and its parts, and replacing dirty filters.
  1. Checking and adjusting the furnace’s settings may include changing the thermostat settings, checking the furnace’s operating pressure and gas flow, and ensuring that the furnace is calibrated correctly.
  1. Testing the furnace’s performance: This may include performing a combustion efficiency test to ensure that the furnace is burning fuel efficiently and producing the correct heat.
  1. Providing recommendations: If any issues are identified during the maintenance appointment, the technician may recommend repairs or other solutions to improve your furnace’s performance.

Overall, a furnace maintenance appointment is designed to help ensure that your furnace is in good working order and operating at its best. It can help prolong the lifespan of your furnace, improve its performance, and keep your home comfortable and energy efficient. Choosing professional help from Gibber Services for your furnace maintenance can ensure that the job is done correctly, safely, and efficiently, giving you peace of mind and saving you money in the long run.

Gibber Services is the Best Choice for Your Furnace Maintenance Service

Gibber Services believes regular furnace maintenance is crucial to keep your home comfortable and energy efficient. That’s why we recommend having your furnace checked by a professional twice yearly for complete cleaning and tune-up. You can extend the lifespan of your furnace and avoid costly replacements and repairs. Trust us to handle your furnace maintenance and enjoy a warm, comfortable winter without any worries.

And if you require a new furnace, Gibber Services can help with that too. Our team provides fast and easy installations, and we offer discounts on repair services and priority scheduling for our maintenance agreement customers. Plus, you can rest easy, knowing your family will stay comfortable all winter.

Don’t wait until it’s too late to take care of your furnace. Contact us at 901-422-1258 to set up your heating services appointment today and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with regular maintenance.