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Faucet & Fixtures Repair in Memphis, TN

There is nothing like a dripping faucet to raise utility bills, waste gallons of water per day, and potentially lead to a plumbing emergency. Families that ignore dripping faucets are vulnerable to these risks and others. A leaky faucet is more than just a nuisance – it’s a red flag for larger plumbing problems. Let the experts at Gibber Services inspect your faucet and fixtures, diagnose the problem, and complete efficient, affordable repairs today, before other issues occur. If you schedule your services before 10 a.m., we will arrive the same day!

About Faucet and Fixture Repairs in Memphis

When you put off faucet and fixture repairs, you open yourself up to larger problems in the future. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the average household’s leaks waste an average of 10,000 gallons of water per year. Ten percent of homes have plumbing leaks that waste 90 gallons or more per day! Repairing easily corrected faucet and fixture leaks can save you about 10% on your monthly water bill. Here are more reasons to schedule faucet/fixture repair services as soon as possible:

  • Prevent water damage. Leaking faucets and toilets can lead to water damage in the floors and walls of your home. Undetected water leaks can eventually seep into the foundation of your home, leading to wood rot, mold growth, and dangerous cracks.
  • Stop an annoying leak. If the steady drip, drip, drip of a leaking faucet is driving you nuts, schedule Gibber Services for fast and easy repairs. We’ll stop an irritating leak in minutes.
  • Improve appearance. Repairing or replacing outdated or malfunctioning fixtures can improve the look and feel of your home, boosting property value and aesthetic appeal. We can install beautiful modern fixtures in your home in no time.
  • Save the environment. Scheduling faucet and fixture repairs helps you do your part to save the planet. The amount of water household leaks waste each year is enough to provide water to about 11 million homes.
  • Benefit from a fast and simple repair. Fixture and faucet leaks are typically small plumbing jobs, taking relatively little of your time and money to repair. You can benefit immensely from scheduling this simple service as soon as you notice a problem.

Call Gibber Services Today

Gibber Services has helped the citizens of Memphis enjoy flawless plumbing for years. We can repair or replace anything within your plumbing, sewage, and drainage systems in no time. When it comes to faucet and fixture repair, we have everything you need for outstanding plumbing services. Our team specializes in fixing faucet issues such as leaks, drips, or defects, as well as a variety of plumbing fixture problems. Contact our team today to schedule faucet and fixture repairs in Memphis.