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If you’re considering replacing your old furnace before the cold winter weather arrives, you must speak with the professionals at Gibber Services. Our team has years of experience helping homeowners in the Memphis area choose and install new furnaces, and we can provide expert advice to help you make the best decision for your home.

Replacing an old furnace is a significant investment, and it’s essential to understand all of your options. Our team can provide you with various options, considering your budget, home size, and energy efficiency goals. We can also help you understand any rebates or incentives that may be available to help offset the cost of your new furnace.

But it’s not just about choosing the right furnace. It’s also about ensuring that it’s installed properly. Our team is fully licensed and insured, and we have the knowledge and expertise to install your new furnace quickly and efficiently. We’ll make sure that it’s set up correctly and that it’s operating at peak efficiency.

When Do You Need Furnace Replacement?

When your furnace reaches the end of its lifespan, it can be frustrating to deal with higher energy bills, poor warm air output, or even total system failure. But replacing your old, outdated furnace and thermostat with newer models can do more than just keep your home comfortable – it can also provide enhanced energy efficiency.

A new furnace can significantly reduce your home’s carbon footprint and energy bills. It can also provide more consistent heating and improve the overall comfort of your home. Plus, newer furnaces are designed to be more energy efficient, saving you money on your energy bills in the long run.

If you’re having problems with your furnace, our team can help. We’ll visit your home or business and complete an inspection to identify any broken parts, bad connections, or dirty components. Then, we’ll recommend the best course of action – whether it’s a repair or a replacement.

The best type of furnace for your home depends on various factors, such as your current furnace type, home size, and preferred temperature. Our Memphis HVAC technicians can help you determine whether you should replace your furnace with a newer model of the same kind or choose a completely different heating system. And if you want to maximize the efficiency of your new system, consider upgrading your thermostat simultaneously.

What are the Benefits of Replacing Your Old Furnace?

It might be time to upgrade if you’re still using an old furnace to heat your home. While it seems like a big investment upfront, a new furnace can save you money in the long run. Plus, it can improve your home’s comfort, increase safety, and even increase the value of your home.

Here are a few benefits of having that dusty old furnace replaced:

1 .Energy efficiency: Newer furnaces are designed to be more energy efficient, saving you money on your energy bills in the long run.

2. Improved comfort: An old, inefficient furnace may struggle to heat your home consistently, leading to hot and cold spots. A new furnace can provide more consistent heating and improve the overall comfort of your home.

3.Increased lifespan: An old furnace may need frequent repairs and have a shorter lifespan, while a new furnace can provide years of reliable service.

4. Safety: An old or faulty furnace can be a potential fire hazard. Replacing it with a new, safe unit can help protect your home and family.

5. Environmentally friendly: Newer furnaces are often more environmentally friendly, with lower emissions and a smaller carbon footprint.

6. Increased home value: Upgrading to a new, energy-efficient furnace can increase the value of your home.

So if you’re ready to make the switch, don’t hesitate to contact a professional HVAC team like Gibber Services to learn more about your options. Trust us; your wallet and your family’s comfort will thank you!

The Gibber Services Difference

Choosing professional installation instead of a do-it-yourself replacement is crucial for personal safety and the integrity of your heating system. A proper furnace installation eliminates the chance of safety hazards or poor furnace performance. If you invest money in a new furnace, optimize its lifetime and performance by trusting installation to a team of professionals.

Gibber Services provides fast, easy, and competent furnace sales and installations, partnering with the top brands in the industry to bring you the best appliances in the business. Our heating experts can help you choose the right system and finance it with a customizable payment plan, so you have nothing to worry about.

When customers come to us for heating and air conditioning services, they know what to expect: exceptional service, transparent billing, and honest advice. We train our technicians to put the customer’s needs first and provide each furnace sale and installation with care. Our staff excels in what they do, and we’re proud to be a respected company in the Memphis area.

If you need a new furnace and/or installation, our technicians will listen to your needs and concerns. We’ll ask about any temperature discomfort you’ve experienced, including room-by-room differences. We can provide a load calculation for your home to properly size a new heat unit and recommend modern products with better Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency ratings. Contact us for more information about our furnace services, or schedule a service call online.