The Effective Ways to Reducing Dust in Your Home

There is probably still a little dust in your home, regardless of how clean it is. There is a widespread problem that every individual has to deal with daily. Although it may be an annoyance, it is more than that. Several particles contribute to dust, including pollen, hair, mold spores, dirt, dead skin cells, and fabric fibers. Various airborne pollutants are in your homes, such as wood ash, chemicals, and vehicle exhausts. To improve one’s quality of life and maintain good health, individuals with asthma, allergies, or other breathing problems must learn the Effective Ways to Reducing Dust in your Home.

The Effective Ways to Reducing Dust in Your Home

You can improve your home’s air quality by minimizing dust and prolonging the lifespan of household electronics, appliances, and furniture. You need to be vigilant and consistent when it comes to keeping your home dust-free. 


The most effective way to combat dust is to vacuum furniture and drapes regularly, wash and dry-cleaning pillows to remove dust mites and replace HVAC filters monthly. This article will give you some tips on maintaining dust-free, clean, and comfortable air in your home.


According to studies, a typical home collects 40 pounds of dust in a year. When you consider what dust is composed of, approximately 40 pounds of a carpet fluff, dirt, soot, clothes fibers, pollen, hair, and dander. You breathe it constantly as it circulates throughout your home, lands on its surfaces, and enters your lungs. In addition to dust, dust mites may trigger allergic reactions, which can be a worse problem than dust.


We recommend you take a multi-pronged approach to reduce dust in your home. You must find solutions that not only reduce dust on surfaces but also reduce it from the air indoors.

You Should Not wear Shoes Indoors

Shoes and slippers left outdoors to keep the house dirt and dust-free

It is common for shoes to bring a lot of unwanted particles into your houses, such as dust, pollen, and bacteria. Wearing shoes outside your front door will prevent you from tracking dust into your home and help keep your place cleaner. Think about investing in a pair of memory foam slippers for your home to make it more comfortable to walk on hard floors.

Use Effective Dusters

It is essential to use the right tools when dusting. Use cloths or wands made of microfiber instead of a traditional feather duster. It is less likely that dust will spread around while you clean with microfiber cloths because they have superior particle-attracting properties.


In addition, some microfiber dusters have unique shapes to enable them to reach difficult-to-reach places for dusting, such as ceiling fan blades and window blinds. If it’s easy to dust your home, you’re more likely to maintain it.

Make Sure Your Air Filter Is Highly Efficient

An HVAC technician cleans the air filter of the house

The air filter in your HVAC system removes dust and other airborne particles from your heating and cooling equipment but also indirectly affects your indoor air quality. In general, the higher the filter’s efficiency rating, the more particles it can trap. You can keep more dust out of your HVAC system and indoor air by upgrading to an air filter with a higher efficiency rating.

Wash Your Bedding In Warm Water Every Week

Beds are ideal environments for dust mites since they’re warm and have lots of human dander and cotton fibers to feed off. You can kill dust mites and remove dust and other allergens from your bedding by washing it in water at least 130 degrees Fahrenheit. Mayo Clinic recommends drying your bedding at least 130 degrees Fahrenheit for 15 minutes if you can’t wash it that hot.

Regularly Vacuum Your Home

A person who cleans the floor and rag using a vacuum

Vacuum cleaners are a home’s most potent dust-busting weapon. Vacuuming once a week or even once a day can effectively eliminate dust. With many bag less models, you can improve the air quality by installing a HEPA filter that traps even smaller dirt particles.

Damp Clean Your Home

You should never underestimate the power of water. Plain water is about as environmentally friendly a cleanser as you can find, and an excellent damp mop and dusting will eliminate 90 percent of the dust in your home. You can rinse the drain after capturing and holding dust with a wet rag or mop.

Invest In A Whole-House Air Purifier

Many types of air purifiers are available, ranging from whole-house models to small, portable units for a single room. In most models, dust, pollen, and other pollutants are captured by a filter and circulated by a fan. 


We recommend installing a whole-home air purifier that keeps dust out of your indoor environment. A HEPA filter is usually installed in an HVAC system and collects or destroys particles passing through continuously and quietly. You are not only breathing healthier air, but your air conditioning system is also operating more efficiently and even lasting longer thanks to this equipment that reduces dust entering the components.

You Should Replace the Furnace Filter.

You should change the furnace filter monthly to minimize dust buildup during winter. Filters for furnaces are inexpensive to clean the air and prevent dust from being blown back into the home after washing it. The market for furnace filters includes a wide range of options, from inexpensive pleated paper filters to reusable electrostatic filters.


With so many air purification solutions, it can be difficult to narrow down your options. Gibber Services only recommends indoor air quality products that we genuinely believe will positively impact our customers’ lives. Get in touch with us at 901-422-1258 if you need assistance improving the air quality in your home.


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