The Best Way to Bathe Your Dog and Keep the Drain Unclogged

You must keep your pet relatively clean to be a good pet parent. The thought of bath time can cause undue stress and anxiety for you and your pooch, depending on the size and temperament of your dog. Furthermore, problems with your plumbing can arise from all that fur going down the drain. The good news is that bath time with your furry friend does not have to be chaotic or result in a clogged bathtub drain! Take a look at these Best Way to Bathe Your Dog and Keep the Drain Unclogged with your pooch fun, enjoyable, and clean. 

What You Need to Know about Bathing a Dog

Best Way to Bathe Your Dog and Keep the Drain Unclogged

Bathing in a confined space may stress you and your dog out. Get used to the fact that things may get messy before you begin. Take a deep breath, relax, and get ready to start. Dogs pick up on your vibe, so if you stay calm, your dog will feel less stressed. Here are some tips to make the dog bath process easier for you and your pet.

  1. Prepare Dog Bath Supplies

Ensure that everything you need is nearby before getting your pup wet. Gather the supplies you need and take a quick inventory. Make sure you have a towel, dog shampoo, brush, and treats (don’t forget treats!) on hand to reward your dog for its hard work. 

You can help your dog develop a positive association with baths by rewarding them with treats after a good experience. By doing this, they won’t get freaked out when the tub turns on. 

  1. Brush Your Dog Regularly

Keeping your dog brushed will reduce the loose fur you must deal with at bath time. The less loose hair, the less fur will go down the drain. Brushing your dog 15-30 minutes before bathing them is a good idea. This downtime is the perfect scenario for you two to relax and bond. You’ll also be able to clean up a little easier with this process.

  1. Follow This Shampoo Technique 

Start by lathering your dog’s neck and work your way down to the tail and toes after wetting him down to the skin. The soapy wall should start at the neck area, which keeps fleas and ticks away from your dog’s ears and head. 

Be careful not to let soap or water near your dog’s eyes, nose, or ears. It is unpleasant to get soap in one’s eyes at bath time, and it may be even worse when soap combines with water on one’s face. 

Furthermore, getting water in a dog’s ear is not good. Due to their longer ear canals, dogs have difficulty removing all the water from their ears if they get water. It is dangerous for your dog to have water in his ears if it remains there for an extended period. It is, therefore, essential to take care when washing your dog’s head and neck.  

  1. Prepare For Towel Shake

Dogs tend not to like being wet for long periods, so be prepared for the inevitable shaking off afterward. Keep an extra towel draped over your dog’s back during the soaping and rinsing process, as well as after the final rinse, to prevent them from soaking you. Then you can wash their faces and paws without getting a bath yourself. Once they’ve had a good shake, you can dry their faces and paws with another towel.   

What Is The Ideal Temperature For Dog Bath Water? 

Dogs cannot tell you how hot or cold the water is, so you’ll have to make sound pet-parent judgments. Usually, lukewarm water is the best temperature for bathing a dog. It is usually best to bathe a dog in lukewarm water. 

You can also rinse your pet’s fur with this water temperature to remove dirt from their fur and to remove soap. It’s more comfortable for your pet and best for cleaning away soap residue and dirt from their fur. You should dry off small dogs as soon as possible to avoid getting cold. 

What Do You Need To Wash Your Dog? 

A groomer brushing a dog to minimize fur

You should select a dog shampoo that meets the needs of your pet’s coat and skin, similarly to how you would choose a shampoo for your hair. There are several kinds of pet shampoos for different breeds or coat types of dogs. There are even specific dog shampoo formulae for certain skin conditions. You can ask your veterinarian for recommendations or prescriptions if you are unsure which one is right for your dog. 

How Often Should Your Dog Get Washed? 

A dog usually only needs a bath once a month, depending on how and where it plays. Some dogs can even go a few months without bathing. You should consider your dog’s skin type, fur length, and how often they play in the dirt outside. Drier skin may require fewer baths, while oily or wrinkled skin may need more frequent grooming. 

Fleas and ticks may require more frequent cleaning for dogs with long hair. You can also do a visual inspection. Playing outside for a long time, getting dirty more frequently, and playing outside for an extended period may require more frequent baths. 

How To Keep Dog Hair Out Of Drains 

A drain cover to avoid bathtub clogs

You can’t completely remove fur from your dog after bath time. You can avoid the dreaded clogged drain with some of these strainers.

  • Drain Cover: With a hair-catching screen that fits most standard drains, you can dramatically reduce the amount of fur going down the drain. Doing this should reduce the chances of your drain clogging up. 
  • Pop-up Drain Cover: These drain covers are designed to rise above pop-up drain bulges. The silicone rings on many of them can also be adjusted to fit different drain sizes. We want to keep less fur from draining down the drain here, as well. 
  • Linear Shower Drain Hair Catcher: A linear drain is a long, narrow rectangle instead of a circular drain, but you can still use a hair catcher. You should cover the long narrow slit with the hair catcher to prevent most of your pet’s fur from entering the drain. 

Drain Clogs That Won’t Go Away? Get In Touch With A Professional 

Bath time can get chaotic sometimes, especially if your puppy dislikes water. Keeping your pet clean is part of being a responsible pet owner. Despite our best efforts, debris can still build up in drains and cause troublesome clogs. You can trust Gibber Services to clear stubborn clogs quickly, regardless of whether they’re from dog fur, your hair, or anything else. Feel free to contact us at 901-422-1258 or request an estimate online

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